Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Read this newspaper article. Ring any bells? Jeffery Woods, huh? Triple Homoside? Orchestrated by the youngest member of the family? Do you see the hair on the edge of the page? Black. Ring any bells? Look at the date: Saturday, September 2, 2006.
So I took another look at the "Jeff the Killer Go To Sleep" picture. I am going to have to say that it is either photoshopped, or edited in some other way. Any who, if you slice your mouth open it will not look like this:

It would look more like this:

Sorry about the gore.

So, if that is what he would really look like then how do we even know what he looks like? All we have to go on is the story. Which he, aledgedly, wrote. What if he does look like that? He either has craycray with photoshop syndrome. Or, he didn't want his real identity getting leaked onto the internet. I mean, if you burn off your eyelids the eyes wouldn't look like that. I mean really.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Show of Hands?

Just a show of hands, who thinks that Jeff the Killer is real?
And don't say Jeffrey Dahmer because he was a canibal, and he died in prison.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Interseting...Food for Thought

Just found interesting evedence in the form of police reports
Case Number: 131402713
Date: 5/20/2013 6:26 PM
Description: Call For Service: PERSON W/KNIFE
Case Number: 131421971
Date: 5/22/2013 2:57 PM
Location: 500 BLOCK JONES ST
Description: Call For Service: PERSON W/KNIFE
Case Number: 131402134
Date: 5/20/2013 3:40 PM
Location: 400 BLOCK ELLIS ST
Description: Call For Service: PERSON W/KNIFE

For all of you who don't know the Jeff story, Jeff only atacks with a knife. No other weapon. Only his knife. Here are 3 of the many examples of calls for service involving knives. These three caught my eye because They are all in the same general area. Just a thought but, what is Jeff is posing as a teenager walking down the street? All he has to do to hide his identity is to put his hood up, and his head down so no one can see his face. That could explain also why the case numbers of each incident are so widely placed. Strike once in a certain place, wait for the people to cool off, strike again in a place near by. Elementely, my dear Watson. If Jeff is smart, which all of the stories make him out to be, even the first story, that some people say was writen by Jeff then he should have been able to figure this out. Also, another reason that these crime reports jumped out at me is they are in a place where there was virtualy no crime. Safe neihborhoods where everyone knows eachother and you can leave your windows unlocked at night. Anyone who knows the Jeff stories knows that he loves to climb in through windows :) . So those were my reasons for sharing these reports with you all.
Will write more when I have more information.
If you want to be a part of this research project email me at
   Thank You
               Oliver Stewart;Creepypasta Investigator, and Private Eye.

P.S: Jeff if you are real, and you are reading this I will find you. I will track you down and have an end put to the deaths you have caused. I will find you Jeff.

Hope you all enjoy my laborous research for your own saftey and peace of mind (or the opposite)

So today is the start of my quest to prove the existence of a certain "Creepypasta" character named Jeff the Killer. I shall do this in many different ways, and I guess the best place to start is in the mind. We have no proof the Jeff doesn't exist so we can't say for sure that he does. If we look at the crime reports in Ohio (where some people say he was born) starting in 1993 or 1994 (this will make him around 19-20 years of age) here is what we get in 1995-2002: From 1995—2002, violence against college students decreased 54 percent, while violence against nonstudents of similar ages fell 45 percent.
Then if we look at homocides in Ohio in 2008 (he would have been 14, so after he killed his family) they look like this: 2007=600 Hommocides 2008=550 Homocides
So we can say that the number of homocides fluctuated in 2007-2008. After this (if he exists) he may have moved away from Ohio to another place to continue his killing spree. The infuriating thing about Jeff is that he's so hard to track. I have no idea where he went after that (as I said before, if he exists) or whether or not he even moved out of Ohio, or if he was even ever in Ohio. All I can say is that there was a fluctuation, a small one, mind you, in hommocides there in 2007-2008. This was just after Jeff had killed his family at the age of 13. He may have spent a year in his birthplace then moved on elsewere. One of the reasons that Jeff is hard to track is, (if he exists) by now, he must be a really exparienced killer. He has been around for so long that he must know how to slip into houses, kill the household members, then slip out into the night. If he killed by day he would me seen coming out of the houses. Also since he is a sleep murderer the people who he kills never scream. The only see him when he is about to kill them, the before they can scream he does something to their neck so they can't breath and then kills them. If he somehow gets you alone in a werehouse, in the woods, in an abandoned ally way on an almost never travled street, he will drag the killing out. All of this I have learned from reading his stories and such, so I don't have the most reliable information, but I think it's safe to say that if he was born in Ohio there is some sort of proof of his existance in the form of a slight fluctuation in homocides that year.
I will post more as soon as I lear more. If you would like to help me in this investigation please email me at
Thank you.
      Oliver Stewart;Creepypasta Investigator, and Private Eye.